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All rates include GST.


Therapeutic Massage

Specific assessment and treatment of muscular conditions that occur from daily or active lifestyles, with the goal of returning client to optimal function as soon as possible


30 Minute Massage - $55.00 

45 Minute Massage - $65.00 ($70.00 in July 2023)

60 Minute Massage - $80.00 ($87.50 in July 2023)

90 Minute Massage - $110.00 ($120.00 in July 2023)


Temporal Mandibular Joint Treatment

Massage therapy is applied to the pectoral muscles, the neck muscles and intra-orally in attempt to treat conditions of the jaw. Symptoms that would indicate this treatment would be if you are present with any jaw pain, clicking of the jaw while eating, problems with the jaw becoming locked, bruxism (clenching/grinding of the teeth) or if recommended by your dentist.


45 Minute Treatment - $70.00



Cupping is a great addition to a treatment plan. The benefits include:

- increased localized oxygen.

- increase in the range of motion.

- reduced pain perception in the area.

- helps with the inflammation process.

This treatment can be added into a massage treatment, an addition to rehabilitation movement or exclusively on its own. (If you are wanting only cupping without massage, a 30 minute treatment is the option to select)


30 minute treatment - $60.00 

45 minute treatment - $70.00 ($75.00 in July 2023)

60 minute treatment - $85.00 ($92.50 in July 2023)

90 minute treatment - $115.00 ($125.00 in July 2023)


Neuro-proprioceptive Taping

Leukotape applied to an area of discomfort with the intent of inhibiting (relaxing) a fatigued and over extended muscle, or facilitating the muscle to fire properly after a weakness/injury.​


Dependant upon size of area coverage, $5.00 - $7.00 extra charge on your regular massage treatment.

Insurance & Direct Billing

If you insurance company allows it, I am able to do direct billing on your behalf for each treatment. This means you would only be responsible to pay the co-pay left each visit. If your insurance company does not direct bill, I can issue you a receipt that you may use to claim on your own time. Please ensure you are aware whether or not your insurance policy requires a medical prescription.

Companies I direct bill to:

Blue Cross - Equitable Life

Great West Life - Maximum Benefit

Manulife - Claim Secure

Sunlife - Chambers of Commerce

Sirius Benefits - Empire Life

Green Shield - Johnson Group Inc


If you do not see your insurance company listed, contact me.

© 2023 All Rights Reserved to Kaela Kostiuk, RMT

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